The ways we have hurt other people, sometimes deeply, sometimes irreparably. The sins we have committed in our thoughts and in our words, in what we have done and what we have failed to do.
Deep regrets are like a cancer. They can spread and eat us up on the inside.
In the scene below from 28 Days--an excellent movie--Lily has come to visit her sister Gwen, who is in rehab for alcohol abuse. (While drunk, Gwen nearly wrecked Lily's wedding and did wreck a car, hence the treatment center.)
Here is a powerful scene of reconciliation between two sisters.
The ways we have hurt other people, sometimes deeply, sometimes irreparably. The sins we have committed in our thoughts and in our words, in what we have done and what we have failed to do.
Deep regrets are like a cancer. They can spread and eat us up on the inside.
In the scene below from 28 Days--an excellent movie--Lily has come to visit her sister Gwen, who is in rehab for alcohol abuse. (While drunk, Gwen nearly wrecked Lily's wedding and did wreck a car, hence the treatment center.)
Here is a powerful scene of reconciliation between two sisters.