For nearly two months, I've neglected to post anything here. Various events, some new opportunities, and some personal difficulties took away my desire. For anyone who still comes here, I'll try to do better. Thank you for bearing with me.
Here are three pieces for this cold, dark night just before Thanksgiving.
The first looks at a number of authors who used prison time for writing. The list is much longer than the one here.
The second has to do with literature for adolescents.
The third examines a book about the antebellum South and literature. I am looking at several books right now about American literature during that period and am amazed at what I am finding. Upcoming will be a review of "The Columbian Oratory" and a piece on the Yadkin Valley Institute, which was founded at the end of the nineteenth century.
Here are three pieces for this cold, dark night just before Thanksgiving.
The first looks at a number of authors who used prison time for writing. The list is much longer than the one here.
The second has to do with literature for adolescents.
The third examines a book about the antebellum South and literature. I am looking at several books right now about American literature during that period and am amazed at what I am finding. Upcoming will be a review of "The Columbian Oratory" and a piece on the Yadkin Valley Institute, which was founded at the end of the nineteenth century.