Everyone I know suffers from some form of stress. Family obligations, work, money worries, anxiety over national events: these and other tensions wear all of us down. Our days become burdened with apprehension and strain, we hit the bed at night exhausted by anxiety, and we rise in the morning and within minutes find ourselves edgy and even overwhelmed by the demands of the day.
But are we meant to live this way?
In the article below, I ask that question and then suggest some ways out, advice I myself often ignore to my disadvantage. But I keep trying to remember that leisure, a real pause from life's activities and duties, might make me a better person, what my church might call more fully human.
But are we meant to live this way?
In the article below, I ask that question and then suggest some ways out, advice I myself often ignore to my disadvantage. But I keep trying to remember that leisure, a real pause from life's activities and duties, might make me a better person, what my church might call more fully human.