Here I am again, scratching my head, bumfuzzled as a tourist in Manhattan without a map or GPS. Bewildered, flummoxed, perplexed, dazed, and discombobulated.
The same Americans who protest photo IDs at the polls are in histrionics over the possibility that Russia hacked the election of 2016. This dichotomy makes no sense to me. If you’re that concerned about elections being thrown or stolen—and we should all be concerned—then why not demand an ID at the voting booth? Why not make certain that only US citizens are voting in our elections?
The same Americans who protest photo IDs at the polls are in histrionics over the possibility that Russia hacked the election of 2016. This dichotomy makes no sense to me. If you’re that concerned about elections being thrown or stolen—and we should all be concerned—then why not demand an ID at the voting booth? Why not make certain that only US citizens are voting in our elections?
Then there are those Americans who want to eliminate Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) while advocating open borders. Let me get this straight. You want to open the southern borders of the United States to all comers? Then why have airport security? Why have security guards dig through handbags and backpacks at museums and courthouses? Indeed, why have a United States of America?
Why would anyone want to open our borders to the world? What about the terrorists, psychopaths, rapists, child abusers, and other criminals who decide to stroll into our country? Other than all the warm and fuzzy feelings this sentiment may confer on you as its advocates, how can anyone push for open borders?
Some commentators claim that Democrats favor illegal immigration for the votes, Republicans for cheap labor. I know of no Democrats or Republicans who think this way. Yet I do know of some Americans who want open borders because they seek an end to the United States of America. I’ve seen them on various online sites. The most radical of them chant: “No borders, no wall, no USA at all!” Well, at least you’re honest about your intentions for eradicating the country.
We lock our cars. Most of us lock our homes. Some live in gated communities. There are reasons why individuals do these things: security and safety. A country has borders for the same reasons.
Here’s the weird part: the people shouting for open borders are generally the same crew who regard the USA as sexist, racist, homophobic, and capitalistic. So let me ask: if that truly is the case, if we are a nation of bigots and fascists, why would anyone with even a shred of decency want to expose innocent immigrants to a land of such nasty prejudices? Isn’t that irresponsible and downright cruel?
Another question: if America is such a hellhole of bias and oppression, why are these same people so anxious to live here? Why don’t they settle down in some more congenial locale, like Mexico?
Oh, wait, that’s right. It’s illegal.
Just in case you think I’m some ultra-right wingnut, listen to these words from Democrat Richard Lamm, former governor of Colorado, in a speech delivered only 15 years ago:
Why would anyone want to open our borders to the world? What about the terrorists, psychopaths, rapists, child abusers, and other criminals who decide to stroll into our country? Other than all the warm and fuzzy feelings this sentiment may confer on you as its advocates, how can anyone push for open borders?
Some commentators claim that Democrats favor illegal immigration for the votes, Republicans for cheap labor. I know of no Democrats or Republicans who think this way. Yet I do know of some Americans who want open borders because they seek an end to the United States of America. I’ve seen them on various online sites. The most radical of them chant: “No borders, no wall, no USA at all!” Well, at least you’re honest about your intentions for eradicating the country.
We lock our cars. Most of us lock our homes. Some live in gated communities. There are reasons why individuals do these things: security and safety. A country has borders for the same reasons.
Here’s the weird part: the people shouting for open borders are generally the same crew who regard the USA as sexist, racist, homophobic, and capitalistic. So let me ask: if that truly is the case, if we are a nation of bigots and fascists, why would anyone with even a shred of decency want to expose innocent immigrants to a land of such nasty prejudices? Isn’t that irresponsible and downright cruel?
Another question: if America is such a hellhole of bias and oppression, why are these same people so anxious to live here? Why don’t they settle down in some more congenial locale, like Mexico?
Oh, wait, that’s right. It’s illegal.
Just in case you think I’m some ultra-right wingnut, listen to these words from Democrat Richard Lamm, former governor of Colorado, in a speech delivered only 15 years ago: