For months now, the rest of us out here in the country have heard you tell us how racist we are and how racist our police are. Here's what I want for Christmas and the new year: please, stop talking.
Dear President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, New York City Mayor de Blasio, professional agitator Al Sharpton, and all the rest of you politicians, news commentators, and protestors who are racially dividing these United States of America:
I am writing on the brink of this new year to ask all of you to stop talking.
For months now, the rest of us out here in the country have heard you tell us how racist we are and how racist our police are. President Obama, you recently informed the American people that we need “to create accountability” and “transparency” in our police departments. (Your words bring a bitter smile, as even your liberal media friends have recently stated that yours is the least accountable and least transparent administration since the Nixon years). Mayor de Blasio, you praised the NYC protesters who chanted about wanting dead cops and who then brutally assaulted police officers. You also spoke of “centuries of racism” among the police and the public, as if no changes have taken place. Al Sharpton—I can’t bear calling you Reverend—you may be “advising” the president and the Sony Corporation these days, but you are a fake, a hack, and a cad. (That’s about as polite as I can get with you, sir).
You and the others in my salutation are driving a wedge into race relations in this country, my country and the country of millions of other good people. In the past, some of you have promised greater unity—you in particular, Mr. President—yet anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear can see what you are doing. You are coldly and deliberately dividing people one from the other based on the color of their skin. You are coldly and deliberately painting our police forces as jackbooted fascists.
Last week a mob in New York City protesting the Garner-Brown deaths chanted:
“What do we want?”
“Dead cops!”
“When do we want them?”
On Saturday, December 22, a criminal inspired by this chant, Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, murdered two policemen who were sitting in their patrol car in Brooklyn: Wenjian Liu, recently married, and Rafael Ramos, husband and father of a thirteen-year-old son. Later, cornered by police, Brinsley killed himself.
Three men dead. And for what?
On Sunday, the day after these murders, several of you race-baiters called for restraint on the part of protesters. How noble of you.
To all of you who wanted dead cops, all of you who cheered when you heard the news of their deaths, all of you higher-ups in government offices or in newsrooms instead of squad cars, all of you among the “elite” who think you know so much more than the peons you purportedly serve: you got your wish. You have your dead cops. And their blood is on your hands.
So now I’m asking you to pipe down. Find a rock somewhere and crawl beneath it for a while. Let me and my fellow citizens work out our problems without your interference and hatred.
Please, for the good of the country, shut up.
Jeff Minick
I am writing on the brink of this new year to ask all of you to stop talking.
For months now, the rest of us out here in the country have heard you tell us how racist we are and how racist our police are. President Obama, you recently informed the American people that we need “to create accountability” and “transparency” in our police departments. (Your words bring a bitter smile, as even your liberal media friends have recently stated that yours is the least accountable and least transparent administration since the Nixon years). Mayor de Blasio, you praised the NYC protesters who chanted about wanting dead cops and who then brutally assaulted police officers. You also spoke of “centuries of racism” among the police and the public, as if no changes have taken place. Al Sharpton—I can’t bear calling you Reverend—you may be “advising” the president and the Sony Corporation these days, but you are a fake, a hack, and a cad. (That’s about as polite as I can get with you, sir).
You and the others in my salutation are driving a wedge into race relations in this country, my country and the country of millions of other good people. In the past, some of you have promised greater unity—you in particular, Mr. President—yet anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear can see what you are doing. You are coldly and deliberately dividing people one from the other based on the color of their skin. You are coldly and deliberately painting our police forces as jackbooted fascists.
Last week a mob in New York City protesting the Garner-Brown deaths chanted:
“What do we want?”
“Dead cops!”
“When do we want them?”
On Saturday, December 22, a criminal inspired by this chant, Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley, murdered two policemen who were sitting in their patrol car in Brooklyn: Wenjian Liu, recently married, and Rafael Ramos, husband and father of a thirteen-year-old son. Later, cornered by police, Brinsley killed himself.
Three men dead. And for what?
On Sunday, the day after these murders, several of you race-baiters called for restraint on the part of protesters. How noble of you.
To all of you who wanted dead cops, all of you who cheered when you heard the news of their deaths, all of you higher-ups in government offices or in newsrooms instead of squad cars, all of you among the “elite” who think you know so much more than the peons you purportedly serve: you got your wish. You have your dead cops. And their blood is on your hands.
So now I’m asking you to pipe down. Find a rock somewhere and crawl beneath it for a while. Let me and my fellow citizens work out our problems without your interference and hatred.
Please, for the good of the country, shut up.
Jeff Minick