Dear Readers,
First, thank you for reading the essays I post here. Writing these pieces brings me great satisfaction, and often joy, and I appreciate your interest and at times, I am sure, your indulgence.
As some of you know, I am reading the Will Durant series, The Story of Civilization, and reporting on this blog from time to time on my progress. On my site you will continue to find these broadsides from my visits with Durant. Soon, too, I may also begin posting chapters from my latest and yet-to-be published novel.
First, thank you for reading the essays I post here. Writing these pieces brings me great satisfaction, and often joy, and I appreciate your interest and at times, I am sure, your indulgence.
As some of you know, I am reading the Will Durant series, The Story of Civilization, and reporting on this blog from time to time on my progress. On my site you will continue to find these broadsides from my visits with Durant. Soon, too, I may also begin posting chapters from my latest and yet-to-be published novel.
Additional essays and books reviews will also be forthcoming two or three times a week. Though you may find political pieces here from time to time—if the issue is simply irresistible to me—I intend primarily to address other topics: literature, faith, writing, articles of general interest.
Now I could use your help.
I thought about asking for money if you enjoy what you read here. Penurious, a word rooted both in Latin and in my attempts, I am convinced, to earn a livelihood by pen, or in my case, by laptop, might serve as my pseudonym, but more than putting bucks in my billfold I wish to direct potential readers to my site. (One addendum to that statement: If you must rid yourself of excess money, for reasons of taxation or anything else, I will gladly accept all donations.)
Here’s how you can assist in that effort. If you like what you read here, I ask you to email my blog address and perhaps an article you enjoyed to five friends. Regard this effort, if it pleases you, as an act of almsgiving and charity for a tatterdemalion on a digital street corner.
Thank you very much.
My best to you, as always,
Now I could use your help.
I thought about asking for money if you enjoy what you read here. Penurious, a word rooted both in Latin and in my attempts, I am convinced, to earn a livelihood by pen, or in my case, by laptop, might serve as my pseudonym, but more than putting bucks in my billfold I wish to direct potential readers to my site. (One addendum to that statement: If you must rid yourself of excess money, for reasons of taxation or anything else, I will gladly accept all donations.)
Here’s how you can assist in that effort. If you like what you read here, I ask you to email my blog address and perhaps an article you enjoyed to five friends. Regard this effort, if it pleases you, as an act of almsgiving and charity for a tatterdemalion on a digital street corner.
Thank you very much.
My best to you, as always,