It’s done. You can find it here.
Or almost done. The Kindle edition won’t appear for another nine days.
But I am done.
Or almost done. The Kindle edition won’t appear for another nine days.
But I am done.
Some author once said that bringing out a book is like having a baby. Nah. For one thing, that guy never birthed a baby. For another, though books are wonderful and dear to me, they don’t compare to the miracle of a baby.
A more suitable equation: A book is more like sending a child into the world. You work day after day to help him become the best he can be, but the day comes when you have to let him go to make it on his own, wondering all the time what the world will think of him, whether he will touch someone’s life, whether he might bring a gift to a stranger.
Whether Dust On Their Wings will appeal to anyone I don’t know. It’s an odd bird of a book. The three Catholic publishers I know would reject the book for its sensuality, while secular literary houses would find distasteful its Christianity. Still, two angels demanded I tell their story, and I have answered that demand.
Some people have asked me where I got the idea for Dust On Their Wings. That part is easy. I was sitting on my porch two years ago and realized I was tired of much of what I was writing. I just wanted something to have some fun that others might enjoy. So I thought, “Well, people like angels. They like angel movies. They like stories about angels and human beings interacting, facing difficulties together, even falling in love.” Then I thought, “What would happen if two angels came to earth on a mission and fell in love with each other?”
And so Max and Maggie were born. Once they arrived, they demanded a life of their own. Dutifully, I followed along, recording their various adventures and misadventures, wondering as they did what the future would hold.
You’ll find Dust On Their Wings, along with two other books of mine--Amanda Bell, a novel, and Learning As I Go, a collection of essays published in various magazines and online publications—on Amazon.